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DIAO Qingyun



Name: Diao Qingyun
Position: Professor
Address: Room 211, Science Building,Institute of Apicultural Research, CAAS, Xiangshan, Beijing, China, 100093
Tel: +86-10-62591738
Brief Introduction:
Diao Qingyun, female, born in 1971, Dr.,Professor, chief scientist of research innovation group“honeybee disease” of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Science, director of honeybee protection and biosafety Department of Institute of Apicultural Research, CAAS. Mainly engaged in honeybee toxicology and economy. Achieved five rewards (four won prize). 119 papers were published, set National standard “Standard of  integrated pest managements of honeybee”,four software copyright were gained. 20 books were published (seven were chief editor).
Education Background:
1990.09-1994.07: B.A. in Plant Protection, Beijing Agricultural University.
1995.09-1998.07: M.S. in Entomology,China Agricultural University.
2003.09-2006.12: Ph.D. in Entomology,China Agricultural University.
Research Area:
1. Honeybee Disease
2. Honeybee toxicology
3. Apicultural Economy

Hiring post-doc:
1. Identification  and  diagnosis of Honey pathogen
2. Infection mechanism and control technique of honeybee pathogen
3. Impact of Chemical pesticide and environmental toxic substances on honeybee
Hiring graduate students:
1. Identification  and  diagnosis of Honey pathogen
2. Infection mechanism and control technique of honeybee pathogen
3. Impact of Chemical pesticide and environmental toxic substances on honeybee
4. Honeybee immune mechanism
Selected Publications:
1. Yang L. Deng Y. Zhang H. Diao Q Y. (2012). Isolation and characterization of an Enterococcus strain from Tibetan alpine meadow soil. Acta Microbiologica Sinica. 52( 11) : 1421 - 1426.
2. Qingyun Diao, Yuan Kai,Liang Pei,Xiwu Gao. Tissue distribution and properties of Glutathione S-transferase in Apis cerana cerana Fabricius and A. mellifera ligustica Spinola.. Journal of Apicultural Research 2006,5(3):145-152
Diao Q Y, Yuan K, Pei L, Gao X W.(2006). Tissue distribution and properties of Glutathione S-transferase in Apis cerana cerana Fabricius and A. mellifera ligustica Spinola.. Journal of Apicultural Research,5(3):145-152
3. Diao Q Y, Zhou T,Wang Q, Zhou J,Lv L P. (2014).Introduction of Britain Apiculture. World Agriculture.417(1):108-110.
4. Diao Q Y, Yan Z L, Shi W, Zhou W. (2012).Comparative Analysis of Apiculture Between China and Argentina. World Agriculture.399(7):57-6117.
5. Diao Q Y, Yan Z L, Shi W, Zhou W. (2012).Introduction of Honeybee Management, Production, Export and Scientific Research in Argentina. World Agriculture. 394(2):70-73.
6. Tang X W, Gao X W,Diao Q Y. (2011).The Optimum Conditions for Assaying 7-ethoxycoumarin O-deethoxylation of Cytochrome P450 from te Italian honeybee(Apis mellifera ligustica Spinol) by orthogonal matrix method. Chinese Journa of Applied Entomology. 48( 5) : 1513—1518.
7. Meng L F, Jin SX,Diao Q Y.( 2013) Effect of High Fructose Syrup Diet Exposure on the Activities of Detoxifying Enzymes in Honey Bees Apis mellifera ligustica.Acta Agriculture University Jiangxiensis.35( 3) : 574-578.
