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Email: lixiangxin@caas.cn


Li X. et al. Characterizing the Interactions of Dietary Condensed Tannins with Bile Salts.  J. Agric. Food Chem. 2019, 9543-9550.

Li X. et al. Inhibitory effect of condensed tannins from banana pulp on cholesterol esterase and mechanisms of interaction.  J. Agric. Food Chem.  2019, 67, 14066-14073.

Li X. et al. Hypolipidemic effect of condensed tannins through interacting with digestive juice components related to lipid digestion.  J. Agric. Food Chem.  2021.

Li X. et al. Hypocholesterolemia effect of condensed tannins from banana through interacting with cholesterol and regulating lipid metabolism.  Food science and human wellness  .   2022 .

Li X. et al. Inhibitory effect of procyanidin B2 and tannic acid on cholesterol esterase and the mechanisms involved.  Food science and human wellness  .   202  3 .

Li X. et al. The Influence of Supercritical Carbon Dioxide (SC-CO2) on Electrolytes and Hydrogenation of Soybean Oil.  Journal of American Oil Chemists Society . 2017, 94(7): 993-1001.